Aligning Rad Power Bikes CEO Executive Leadership with New Strategy

Today, March 13th, 2025, Rad Power Bikes announces the appointment of Kathi Lentzsch as their new Chief Executive Officer.
Prior to becoming the Rad Power Bikes CEO, Lentzsch had been the CEO of Bartell Drugs until the end of 2020. She currently sits on multiple Boards of Directors. Transforming Age, a non-profit, servicing senior communities. Refugee Artisan Initiative, a non-profit that works with refugee and immigrant women to helping them achieve economic stability. Parcel Health, Inc., a pharmaceutical parcels and system start-up, and at the University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business, Center for Leadership and Strategic Thinking.
Lentzsch is charged with leading Rad Power Bikes towards a ‘brick-n-mortar’ physical retail strategy as a pivot away from the direct-to-consumer shipping model.
Will this sustainability minded appointment from the pharma industry lead Rad Power Bikes back to prominence? Will the shift to local physical sales and focus on dealer networks improve sales and service? Time will tell.